Search for tag: "business continuity"

IBM OpenPages with Watson: Visão geral

O IBM OpenPages with Watson transforma o modo…

From  5500038UB8 5500038UB8 August 2nd, 2022

IBM OpenPages Business Continuity Management: Demo

Watch this demo to learn how to prepare your…

From  chq_master_librarians January 18th, 2022

Think Moscow 2021. Технологический марафон. Райффайзен Банк.

Интервью с Д.Мироновым, руководителем группы…

From  060000DX19 060000DX19 November 3rd, 2021

IBM OpenPages: Overview

IBM OpenPages transforms the way risk and…

+17 More
From  chq_master_librarians September 20th, 2021

Plan for business resilience: Business Continuity Management breakout

Firms globally and across industries are focusing…

From  chq_master_librarians May 20th, 2021

Protect against data corruption with IBM Z

What if all your data and applications…

From  chq_master_librarians October 16th, 2020

Real strategies for today's continuity challenges

Can't afford downtime? Join Rebecca Gott,…

From  chq_master_librarians September 15th, 2020



+4 More
From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W June 11th, 2020

Como a IBM pode ajudar os CIOs com seus desafios atuais

Como a IBM ajuda ao otimizar os recursos, mudar…

+2 More
From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W May 29th, 2020

Cómo IBM puede ayudar a los CIO con sus desafíos actuales

Cómo IBM ayuda optimizando los recursos…

+4 More
From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W May 29th, 2020

IBM이 CIO의 당면 과제 해결에 도움을 주는 방법

변화하는 업무 환경 요건에 따라 리소스를 최적화하고 비즈니스 연속성 기술을 관리하는 데…

+4 More
From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W May 29th, 2020

Comment IBM peut aider les directeurs informatiques à faire face aux problèmes actuels

Comment IBM aide à optimiser les…

+4 More
From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W May 29th, 2020

In che modo IBM può aiutare i CIO ad affrontare le sfide attuali

In che modo IBM aiuta ad ottimizzare le risorse…

+4 More
From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W May 29th, 2020

Wie IBM IT-Verantwortlichen bei ihren aktuellen Herausforderungen unterstützen kann

Wie IBM bei der Optimierung von Ressourcen bei…

+4 More
From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W May 27th, 2020

Playbook du DSI : Exemples réels d'intégration du data center et du cloud

Rejoignez-nous à…

+4 More
From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W May 18th, 2020

Cómo puede ayudar IBM a los CIOs en sus retos actuales

Cómo ayuda IBM a optimizar recursos para…

From  310001BB3W 310001BB3W April 28th, 2020