Search for tag: "agility"
Understanding the NIST standards and IBM's contributions to post-quantum cryptographyIn this brief animated video, we unpack why the NIST standards are important, discuss IBM’s contributions to quantum-safe cryptography, and highlight ways that the new encryption algorithms are…
From Quantum Experience
Liberty: Cloud Agility for Application DevelopmentWith Liberty you can write once, run anywhere with cloud agility and be confident your application is running on an agile runtime with continuous delivery, open standards, zero… |
Boston Dynamics+IBM事例ー先進技術を活用したよりスマートなオペレーションCOVID-19の混乱を受けて、組織は各業界で競争力を維持するために、これまで以上にオペレーションにアジリティー(俊敏性)を必要としています。産業用製造業では、この課題は、エッジでのAIやデジタルツイン、費用対効果の高いデータ管理や機器メンテナンス、そして何よりも、重要な技術として、必要とされています。Boston… |
Cloud without Compromise -- Temenos and IBM CloudPaul Carr, Director of Global Strategic Technology Alliance at Temenos, discusses how IBM Cloud is part of their strategic plan in offering three solutions that will bring our joint customers…
From CorpMkt-EiC-JY
Enfrente os desafios de transformação com o novo IBM Power E1080O novo IBM Power E1080 é projetado para fornecer a agilidade necessário para afrontar e superar os objetivos das empresas atuais. |
Enfrente los retos de transformación con el nuevo IBM Power E1080El nuevo IBM Power E1080 está diseñado para proporcionar la agilidad necesaria para enfrentar y superar los objetivos de las organizaciones actuales. |
Plan for business resilience: FP&A breakoutOrganizations can no longer afford to be reactive in today’s unpredictable environment. See first-hand how AI-powered planning and analytics solutions can help you plan quickly and dynamically,…
From CorpMkt-EiC-JY
IDC leadership conversation: Unlocking Data10-minute fireside chat between IDC Analyst Stewart Bond and IBM's Susara van den Heever on how organizations are looking to unlock the value of their data -- and with an information… |
Bradesco: Banking on the future of Brazil with IBM zSystemsBradescoBrazil is changing. Rapid economic development has spurred demand for sophisticated banking and insurance solutions. It has also created the need for a new way of banking: a way focused on… |