z/OS 1.10: Migration - Part 1 of 3
From C-7KDB897
From C-7KDB897
Slide 5: A z/OS Guide to Migrating to an IBM System z10
Slide 5: z/OS 1.10: New Facilities and Features
Slide 5: What's New in DFSMS for z/OS 1.10
Slide 5: SMP/E 3.5: Simplifying PSP Buckets and Other Goodies
Slide 5: JES2 for z/OS 1.10 Product Update
Slide 5: What's New in SDSF for z/OS 1.10
Slide 19: At least 12 months notice before withdrawing service
Additional Links:This presentation is also available as PDF: Migrating_to_R10-Part_1.pdf