00:43duration 43 seconds
Removing the Media Brackets in the Diamondback…
Removing the Media Brackets in the Diamondback Tape Library
From 2000002DE7 2000002DE7
00:54duration 54 seconds
Removing the Top Rack in the Diamondback Tape…
Removing the Top Rack in the Diamondback Tape Library
02:46duration 2 minutes 46 seconds
Installing the Top Rack in the Diamondback Tape…
Installing the Top Rack in the Diamondback Tape Library
08:06duration 8 minutes 6 seconds
Installing the adjacent frame bracket
05:27duration 5 minutes 27 seconds
Unpacking the Diamondback tape library
08:09duration 8 minutes 9 seconds
Repacking the Diamondback tape library - Part 2
05:59duration 5 minutes 59 seconds
Repacking the Diamondback tape library - Part 1
11:26duration 11 minutes 26 seconds
Installing the Diamondback tape library
01:59duration 1 minute 59 seconds
Removing a stuck cartridge from a gripper in the…
Removing a stuck cartridge from a gripper in the Diamondback tape library
01:03duration 1 minute 3 seconds
Bulk unloading cartridges from the Diamondback…
Bulk unloading cartridges from the Diamondback tape library
00:26duration 26 seconds
Bulk loading cartridges into the Diamondback tape…
Bulk loading cartridges into the Diamondback tape library
01:30duration 1 minute 30 seconds
Repacking the robotic accessor in the Diamondback…
Repacking the robotic accessor in the Diamondback tape library
00:42duration 42 seconds
Removing the service magazine cartridges in the…
Removing the service magazine cartridges in the Diamondback tape library
00:24duration 24 seconds
Removing the service magazine in the Diamondback…
Removing the service magazine in the Diamondback tape library
01:37duration 1 minute 37 seconds
Removing the robotic accessor in the Diamondback…
Removing the robotic accessor in the Diamondback tape library
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