Search for tag: "z system automation"

Using Z ChatOps to manage IBM Z System Automation resources

This video demonstrates how to use Z ChatOps on Mattermost to manage IBM Z System Automation resources with some examples. For more information, see

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Z System Automation – Temporary Capacity Management using Processor Operations

IBM Z System Automation, which is a core product in the AIOps for IBM zSystems portfolio, is the premier high availability and automated operations solution for IBM zSystems servers. It helps to…

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IBM Z System Automation (Zowe CLI Extension) Demo

IBM Z System Automation is a policy-based, self-healing, high-availability solution to optimize efficiency and availability of critical systems and applications. Zowe Command Line Interface (CLI)…

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IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – New Add-on Policies Part 1: Overview

This video introduces the new add-on policies added in IBM Z System Automation 4.3 for the components of z/OSFM, z/OS Container Extensions, and System Automation Operations REST Server. For more…

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IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – Immediate Completion Checking of Asynchronous Commands

This video introduces an IBM Z System Automation 4.3 enhancement: the ability of an immediate result check right after the termination of an asynchronous command that is routed from IBM Z Workload…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – Job Log Monitoring Improvements

This video introduces the Job Log Monitoring capability enhancements that are delivered in IBM Z System Automation 4.3. For an overview of Job Log Monitoring, see Z System Automation…

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IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – System Automation Plug-in for Zowe CLI Overview and Installation

This video gives an overview and installation of System Automation Plug-in for Zowe CLI, which you can use to interact with Z System Automation from your preferred command line on Windows, Linux,…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – APG Model 2 Conversion

This video introduces how to convert certain MOVE and SERVER application groups from model 1 to model 2 in seconds by using the new CONVERT or CV command. For more information, see How to…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – System Automation Operations REST API V1.1

This video gives an overview of the new capabilities of System Automation Operations REST API V1.1, that are delivered in IBM Z System Automation 4.3. For more information, see System Automation…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – System Automation Info Broker Usage Scenario: User Messages Forwarding

System Automation Info Broker is a new component that was introduced in IBM Z System Automation 4.3.0. It can be used to forward SDF and user-defined message to Kafka, where the messages can be…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – System Automation Info Broker Usage Scenario: SDF Messages Forwarding

System Automation Info Broker is a new component that was introduced in IBM Z System Automation 4.3.0. It can be used to forward SDF and user-defined message to Kafka, where the messages can be…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Z System Automation 4.3 – System Automation Info Broker Introduction

This video provides an overview of the new component System Automation Info Broker that was introduced in IBM Z System Automation 4.3.0. It can be used to forward SDF and user-defined message to…

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

IBM Z System Automation Overview

IBM Z System Automation (formerly named IBM System Automation for z/OS) V4.2.0 is generally available (GA) in December 2019. Watch this video to learn the new features.

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J

New in IBM Z System Automation V4.2

IBM Z System Automation (formerly named IBM System Automation for z/OS) V4.2.0 is generally available (GA) in December 2019. Watch this video to learn the new features.

From  1000003W0J 1000003W0J