Search for tag: "davos"

Generative AI: Steam Engine of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

Speakers: Zanny Minton Beddoes, Omar Sultan Al Olama, Mike Rounds, Julie Sweet, Cristiano Amon, Cathy Li, Arvind Krishna The development of generative AI has catapulted AI technology to one of the…

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Strategic Outlook on the Digital Economy

The continued acceleration of technology transformation will be critical to building socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth. However, businesses face heightened…

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Fostering Responsible AI Leadership

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds the promise of making organizations 40% more efficient by 2035, which corresponds to $14 trillion in economic value. What policies, practices and partnerships are…

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WEF 2020 - Stakeholder Capitalism: What is Required from Corporate Leadership

With shareholder primacy giving way to a broader vision for stakeholder-driven capitalism, how can business leaders rebuild public trust and deliver on a new mandate? …

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